menampilkan semua
informasi pc
ketik perintah :
lshw -class network
menambahkan ip dan
sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask menambahkan route sudo route add default gw eth0 menampikan ini tabel routing route -n menambakan dns atau nameserver /etc/resolv.conf otmatis dhcp client
Dynamic IP Address Assignment (DHCP Client)
To configure your server to use DHCP for dynamic address
assignment, add the dhcp method to the inet address family statement
for the appropriate interface in the file /etc/network/interfaces.
The example below assumes you are configuring your first Ethernet
interface identified as eth0.
auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcpBy adding an interface configuration as shown above, you can manually enable the interface through the ifup command which initiates the DHCP process via dhclient.
sudo ifup eth0To manually disable the interface, you can use the ifdown command, which in turn will initiate the DHCP release process and shut down the interface.
sudo ifdown eth0
Static IP Address Assignment
To configure your system to use a static IP address assignment, add the static method to the inet address family statement for the appropriate interface in the file /etc/network/interfaces. The example below assumes you are configuring your first Ethernet interface identified as eth0. Change the address, netmask, and gateway values to meet the requirements of your eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway adding an interface configuration as shown above, you can manually enable the interface through the ifup command.
sudo ifup eth0To manually disable the interface, you can use the ifdown command.
sudo ifdown eth0
Loopback Interface
The loopback interface is identified by the system as lo and has a default IP address of It can be viewed using the ifconfig command.ifconfig lo lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 RX packets:2718 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:2718 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:183308 (183.3 KB) TX bytes:183308 (183.3 KB)By default, there should be two lines in /etc/network/interfaces responsible for automatically configuring your loopback interface. It is recommended that you keep the default settings unless you have a specific purpose for changing them. An example of the two default lines are shown below.
auto lo iface lo inet loopback
Name Resolution
Name resolution as it relates to IP networking is the process of mapping IP addresses to hostnames, making it easier to identify resources on a network. The following section will explain how to properly configure your system for name resolution using DNS and static hostname records.DNS Client Configuration
Traditionally, the file /etc/resolv.conf was a static configuration file that rarely needed to be changed or automatically changed via DCHP client hooks. Nowadays, a computer can switch from one network to another quite often and the resolvconf framework is now being used to track these changes and update the resolver's configuration automatically. It acts as an intermediary between programs that supply nameserver information and applications that need nameserver information. Resolvconf gets populated with information by a set of hook scripts related to network interface configuration. The most notable difference for the user is that any change manually done to /etc/resolv.conf will be lost as it gets overwritten each time something triggers resolvconf. Instead, resolvconf uses DHCP client hooks, and /etc/network/interfaces to generate a list of nameservers and domains to put in /etc/resolv.conf, which is now a symlink:/etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/resolvconf/resolv.confTo configure the resolver, add the IP addresses of the nameservers that are appropriate for your network in the file /etc/network/interfaces. You can also add an optional DNS suffix search-lists to match your network domain names. For each other valid resolv.conf configuration option, you can include, in the stanza, one line beginning with that option name with a dns- prefix. The resulting file might look like the following:
iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway dns-search dns-nameservers search option can also be used with multiple domain names so that DNS queries will be appended in the order in which they are entered. For example, your network may have multiple sub-domains to search; a parent domain of, and two sub-domains, and
If you have multiple domains you wish to search, your configuration might look like the following:
iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway dns-search dns-nameservers you try to ping a host with the name of server1, your system will automatically query DNS for its Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) in the following order:
Static Hostnames
Static hostnames are locally defined hostname-to-IP mappings located in the file /etc/hosts. Entries in the hosts file will have precedence over DNS by default. This means that if your system tries to resolve a hostname and it matches an entry in /etc/hosts, it will not attempt to look up the record in DNS. In some configurations, especially when Internet access is not required, servers that communicate with a limited number of resources can be conveniently set to use static hostnames instead of DNS.The following is an example of a hosts file where a number of local servers have been identified by simple hostnames, aliases and their equivalent Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN's). localhost ubuntu-server server1 vpn server2 mail server3 www server4 fileIn the above example, notice that each of the servers have been given aliases in addition to their proper names and FQDN's. Server1 has been mapped to the name vpn, server2 is referred to as mail, server3 as www, and server4 as file.
Name Service Switch Configuration
The order in which your system selects a method of resolving hostnames to IP addresses is controlled by the Name Service Switch (NSS) configuration file /etc/nsswitch.conf. As mentioned in the previous section, typically static hostnames defined in the systems /etc/hosts file have precedence over names resolved from DNS. The following is an example of the line responsible for this order of hostname lookups in the file /etc/nsswitch.conf.hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4
files first tries to resolve static hostnames located in
mdns4_minimal attempts to resolve the name using
Multicast DNS.
[NOTFOUND=return] means that any response of notfound by
the preceding mdns4_minimal process should be treated as
authoritative and that the system should not try to continue
hunting for an answer.
dns represents a legacy unicast DNS query.
mdns4 represents a Multicast DNS query.
hosts: files dns [NOTFOUND=return] mdns4_minimal mdns4
Bridging multiple interfaces is a more advanced configuration, but is very useful in multiple scenarios. One scenario is setting up a bridge with multiple network interfaces, then using a firewall to filter traffic between two network segments. Another scenario is using bridge on a system with one interface to allow virtual machines direct access to the outside network. The following example covers the latter scenario.Before configuring a bridge you will need to install the bridge-utils package. To install the package, in a terminal enter:
sudo apt install bridge-utilsNext, configure the bridge by editing /etc/network/interfaces:
auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto br0 iface br0 inet static address network netmask broadcast gateway bridge_ports eth0 bridge_fd 9 bridge_hello 2 bridge_maxage 12 bridge_stp offEnter the appropriate values for your physical interface and network.
Now bring up the bridge:
sudo ifup br0The new bridge interface should now be up and running. The brctl provides useful information about the state of the bridge, controls which interfaces are part of the bridge, etc. See man brctl for more information.
Konfigurasi IP Address, DNS, dan NAT Pada Ubuntu Server 10.10
Antar muka dari Ubuntu Server 10.10 adalah text mode, tidak ada jendela, tidak ada klik, drag and drop, dan sebagainya yang biasa dilakukan pada mode GUI (Graphic User Interface), semua operasi pada Ubuntu Server dilakukan dengan mengetikkan secara manual perintah melalui papan ketik (keyboard). Sebenarnya Ubuntu Server 10.10 juga bisa dibuat dengan mode GUI, namun itu akan sangat memberatkan bagi server, karena harus melakukan instalasi mode GUI yang memakan banyak sumber daya, terutama Memory dan Hard Disk, selain itu juga, pada dasarnya tingkat keamanan dengan menggunakan mode CLI akan lebih baik ketimbang menggunakan mode GUI.Artikel ini adalah lanjutan dari artikel saya yang berjudul Instalasi Ubuntu Server 10.10. Agar Ubuntu Server 10.10 bisa melakukan koneksi ke jaringan, baik itu jaringan lokal maupun internet, maka langkah awal yang dilakukan adalah melakukan konfigrasi alamat IP. Untuk mengkonfigurasi alamat IP langkah-langkahnya adalah sebagai berikut:
Masuklah menggunakan username dan password yang telah diatur pada langkah sebelumnya. Pada artikel ini userame yang saya gunakan adalah adamkurniawan dan password saya juga adamkurniawan. Untuk password tidak akan terlihat pada saat diketikkan karena alasan keamanan. Tekan tombol Enter jika sudah yakin memasukkan username dan password dengan benar.
Setelah berhasil masuk akan diperlihatkan kapan pengguna adamkurniawan terakhir login. Pada baris paling bawah terlihat tulisan adamkurniawan@server01:~$, ini berarti pengguna dengan id adamkurniawan masih berstatus sebagai pengguna biasa dan belum bisa melakukan pengaturan. Agar bisa melakukan pengaturan, pengguna harus masuk sebagai mode root atau mode tertinggi dalam sistem (administrator) dengan mengetikkan perintah sudo su, maka akan akan muncul tulisan [sudo] password for adamkurniawan: itu berarti sistem meminta password agar pengguna dengan id adamkurniawan bisa masuk sebagai mode root. Password yang digunakan untuk mode root ini adalah password yang sama yang digunakan untuk login pada awal tadi. Masukkan password-nya dan tekan Enter. Jika password yang dimasukkan benar, maka akan muncul tulisan root@server01:/home/adamkurniawan#, ini berarti pengguna dengan id adamkurniawan sudah masuk sebagai mode root dan sudah bisa melakukan konfigurasi.
Sebelum melakukan konfigurasi pada alamat IP, cek terlebih dahulu apa nama kartu jaringan (ethernet) yang tersedia yang bisa digunakan dengan mengetikkan: # ifconfig –a | more. Penamaan kartu jaringan pada sistem Linux diawali dengan eth lalu diikuti dengan nomor kartu jaringannya yang dimulai dengan 0, misal eth0, eth1, eth2, dan seterusnya. Karena pada artikel ini saya menggunakan dua buah kartu jaringan maka setelah diketikkan # ifonfig –a | more, didapati bahwa nama kartu jaringan yang saya miliki pada sistem linux dikenal dengan nama eth0 dan eth1.
ketikkan perintah # nano /etc/network/interfacesuntuk
mulai melakukan konfigurasi alamat IP Ubuntu Server 10.10. Pada
baris paling akhir ketikkan skrip berikut: auto eth0 iface
eth0 inet static
Skrip diatas adalah skrip yang digunakan untuk melakukan pengaturan kartu jaringan pertama (eth0) yang akan dihubungkan ke internet. Alamat IP yang saya berikan harus satu segmen dengan jaringan yang ada di atas Ubuntu Server 10.10 yang saya gunakan dan gateway dari kartu jaringan pertama juga harus merupakan alamat IP dari perangkat yang bertindak sebagai gerbang dari Ubuntu Server 10.10 yang saya gunakan ke internet. Sedangkan untuk pengaturan kartu jaringan kedua yang akan digunakan sebagai interface ke jaringan lokal adalah sebagai berikut:
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static
Jika telah selesai tekan tombol Ctrl + O untuk menyimpan konfigurasi yang telah dilakukan, berikan nama berkas konfigurasi yang baru saja dibuat, pada artikel ini saya tidak memberikan nama baru, jadi saya langsung saja menekan tombol Enter. Kemudia tekan tombol Ctrl + X untuk keluar. Restart kartu jaringan menggunakan perintah # /etc/init.d/networking restart agar konfigurasi yang baru saja dilakukan bisa terbaca oleh sistem.
Pada umumnya, jika kartu jaringan belum pernah dikonfigurasi menggunakan Ubuntu Server 10.10 atau Ubuntu Server 10.10 yang digunakan masih baru diinstal (fresh install), kartu jaringan yang tertanam di komputer sudah terbaca namun belum aktif. Untuk melihat apakah kartu jaringan sudah aktif atau belum, ketikkan perintah # ifconfig. Pada artikel ini, kartu jaringan yang saya gunakan belum aktif.
Untuk mengaktifkannya ketikkan perintah # ifconfig eth0 up (mengaktifkan kartu jaringan pertama) dan # ifconfig eth1 up (mengaktifkan kartu jaringan kedua). Setelah itu restart kembali kartu jaringan menggunaka # /etc/init.d/networking restart. Jika dilakukan pengecekan kembali menggunakan perintah # ifconfig, maka akan bisa dilihat bahwa kartu jaringan sudah aktif dan sudah memiliki alamat IP sesuai dengan yang sudah di konfigurasi.
Langkah selanjutnya adalah memberikan DNS (Domain Name
System). DNS digunakan sebagai penerjemah dari nama domain ke alamat
IP, dan sebaliknya, yaitu dari alamat IP ke nama domain. Jadi
apabila pengguna mengetikkan di web browser, maka itu
berarti pengguna memanggil alamat IP dari yaitu Untuk mengatur DNS di Ubuntu Server 10.10 pengguna
harus membuat sebuah berkas baru bernama resolv.conf
yang diletakkan di direktori /etc dengan
mengetikkan # touch /etc/resolv.conf, namun
sebelumnya pengguna harus masuk ke dalam mode root. Setelah berhasil
membuatnya, selanjutnya adalah mengisi berkas resolve.conf
tersebut dengan alamat IP yang bisa menerjemahkan nama domain ke
alamat IP dan sebaliknya, dengan cara mengetikkan perintah
# nano /etc/resolv.conf. Kemudian
ketikkan nameserver dan diikuti dengan alamat
IPyang bisa digunakan sebagai DNS, pada artikel ini saya
menggunakan 2 buah DNS, yaitu yang merupakan alamat IP
gateway Ubuntu Server 10.10 dan yang merupakan alamat
penyedia DNS yang dibuat oleh Google. Jadi penulisannya adalah
sebagai berikut: nameserver
Simpan dengan menekan Ctrl + O, tekan tombol Enter untuk replace nama yang lama dan tekan Ctrl + X untuk keluar. Lakukan kembali restart jaringan dengan mengetikkan # /etc/init.d/networking.
Tahap berikutnya adalah melakukan pengecekan apakah Ubuntu Server 10.10 sudah bisa melakukan koneksi ke internet dan apakah DNS sudah bekerja dengan baik. Cara melakukannya adalah dengan melakukan ping ke sebuah alamat domain. Pada artikel ini, saya melakukan pengecekan dengan melakukan ping ke domain Perintah yang diketikkan adalah # ping disini saya sudah mendapatkan balasan dari dan berarti Ubuntu Server 10.10 yang digunakan sebagai server sudah terkoneksi ke internet dengan baik, begitu juga dengan DNS-nya.
Selanjutnya, lakukan konfigurasi agar semua klien yang
berada pada jaringan lokal bisa mengakses ke jaringan yang berada di
jaringan luar (internet) atau melakukan NAT. Jika tidak
dikonfigurasi maka paket-paket yang berasal dari kartu jaringan
lokal (eth1) tidak akan bisa diteruskan ke kartu jaringan yang
mengarah ke internet (eth0). Caranya adalah dengan mengetikkan
perintah berikut ini: iptables –t nat –A POSTROUTING –o
eth0 –j MASQUERADE, lalu tekan Enter.
Jika ingin rule ini dijalankan pada saat komputer dinyalakan, maka
ketikkanlah rule diatas pada file /etc/rc.local
sebelum baris exit 0.
13 Linux Network Configuration and Troubleshooting Commands
by Ravi Saive | Published: September 24, 2012 | Last Updated: January 3, 2015
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Computers are connected in a network to exchange information or
resources each other. Two or more computer connected through network
media called computer network. There are number of
network devices or media are involved to form computer network.
Computer loaded with Linux Operating System can also
be a part of network whether it is small or large network by its
multitasking and multiuser natures. Maintaining of
system and network up and running is a task of System /
Network Administrator’s job. In this article we are going
to review frequently used network configuration and troubleshoot
commands in Linux.1. ifconfig
ifconfig (interface configurator) command is use to initialize an interface, assign IP Address to interface and enable or disable interface on demand. With this command you can view IP Address and Hardware / MAC address assign to interface and also MTU (Maximum transmission unit) size.# ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:28:FD:4C inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe28:fd4c/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:6093 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:4824 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:6125302 (5.8 MiB) TX bytes:536966 (524.3 KiB) Interrupt:18 Base address:0x2000 lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:480 (480.0 b) TX bytes:480 (480.0 b)ifconfig with interface (eth0) command only shows specific interface details like IP Address, MAC Address etc. with -a options will display all available interface details if it is disable also.
# ifconfig eth0 eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:28:FD:4C inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe28:fd4c/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:6119 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:4841 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:6127464 (5.8 MiB) TX bytes:539648 (527.0 KiB) Interrupt:18 Base address:0x2000
Assigning IP Address and Gateway
Assigning an IP Address and Gateway to interface on the fly. The setting will be removed in case of system reboot.# ifconfig eth0 netmask
Enable or Disable Specific Interface
To enable or disable specific Interface, we use example command as follows.Enable eth0
# ifup eth0
Disable eth0
# ifdown eth0
Setting MTU Size
By default MTU size is 1500. We can set required MTU size with below command. Replace XXXX with size.# ifconfig eth0 mtu XXXX
Set Interface in Promiscuous mode
Network interface only received packets belongs to that particular NIC. If you put interface in promiscuous mode it will received all the packets. This is very useful to capture packets and analyze later. For this you may require superuser access.# ifconfig eth0 - promisc
2. PING Command
PING (Packet INternet Groper) command is the best way to test connectivity between two nodes. Whether it is Local Area Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN). Ping use ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) to communicate to other devices. You can ping host name of ip address using below command.# ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=44 time=203 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=44 time=201 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=44 time=201 ms OR # ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=47 time=284 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=47 time=287 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=47 time=285 msIn Linux ping command keep executing until you interrupt. Ping with -c option exit after N number of request (success or error respond).
# ping -c 5 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=47 time=285 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=47 time=285 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=47 time=285 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=47 time=285 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=47 time=285 ms --- ping statistics --- 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4295ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 285.062/285.324/285.406/0.599 ms
traceroute is a network troubleshooting utility which shows number of hops taken to reach destination also determine packets traveling path. Below we are tracing route to global DNS server IP Address and able to reach destination also shows path of that packet is traveling.# traceroute traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets 1 ( 0.217 ms 0.624 ms 0.133 ms 2 ( 2.343 ms 1.910 ms 1.799 ms 3 ( 4.334 ms 4.001 ms 5.619 ms 4 ( 5.386 ms 6.490 ms 6.224 ms 5 ( 7.798 ms 7.614 ms 7.378 ms 6 ( 10.852 ms 5.389 ms 4.322 ms 7 ( 5.836 ms 5.590 ms 5.503 ms 8 ( 216.909 ms 198.864 ms 201.737 ms 9 ( 203.305 ms 203.141 ms 202.888 ms 10 ( 200.552 ms 202.463 ms 202.222 ms 11 ( 205.446 ms 215.885 ms 202.867 ms 12 ( 202.675 ms 201.540 ms 203.972 ms 13 ( 203.732 ms 203.496 ms 202.951 ms 14 ( 203.858 ms 203.373 ms 203.208 ms 15 ( 201.093 ms ( 206.597 ms ( 204.178 ms 16 ( 205.960 ms 205.740 ms 205.487 ms 17 ( 203.867 ms ( 202.850 ms ( 202.351 ms 18 ( 201.771 ms 201.185 ms 201.120 ms 19 ( 202.407 ms 201.479 ms ( 208.145 ms 20 ( 200.572 ms ( 200.402 ms ( 203.573 ms 21 ( 199.725 ms 199.190 ms 202.488 ms
4. NETSTAT Command
Netstat (Network Statistic) command display connection info, routing table information etc. To displays routing table information use option as -r.# netstat -r Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface * U 0 0 0 eth0 link-local * U 0 0 0 eth0 default UG 0 0 0 eth0For more examples of Netstat Command, please read our earlier article on 20 Netstat Command Examples in Linux.
5. DIG Command
Dig (domain information groper) query DNS related information like A Record, CNAME, MX Record etc. This command mainly use to troubleshoot DNS related query.# dig; <<>> DiG 9.8.2rc1-RedHat-9.8.2-0.10.rc1.el6 <<>> ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<For more examples of Dig Command, please read the article on 10 Linux Dig Commands to Query DNS.
6. NSLOOKUP Command
nslookup command also use to find out DNS related query. The following examples shows A Record (IP Address) of nslookup Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: canonical name = Name: Address: more NSLOOKUP Command, read the article on 8 Linux Nslookup Command Examples.
7. ROUTE Command
route command also shows and manipulate ip routing table. To see default routing table in Linux, type the following command.# route Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface * U 0 0 0 eth0 link-local * U 1002 0 0 eth0 default UG 0 0 0 eth0Adding, deleting routes and default Gateway with following commands.
Route Adding
# route add -net gw
Route Deleting
# route del -net gw
Adding default Gateway
# route add default gw
8. HOST Command
host command to find name to IP or IP to name in IPv4 or IPv6 and also query DNS records.# host has address has address has address has address has address has IPv6 address 2404:6800:4003:802::1014Using -t option we can find out DNS Resource Records like CNAME, NS, MX, SOA etc.
# host -t CNAME is an alias for
9. ARP Command
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is useful to view / add the contents of the kernel’s ARP tables. To see default table use the command as.# arp -e Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask Iface ether 00:50:56:c0:00:08 C eth0
10. ETHTOOL Command
ethtool is a replacement of mii-tool. It is to view, setting speed and duplex of your Network Interface Card (NIC). You can set duplex permanently in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 with ETHTOOL_OPTS variable.# ethtool eth0 Settings for eth0: Current message level: 0x00000007 (7) Link detected: yes
11. IWCONFIG Command
iwconfig command in Linux is use to configure a wireless network interface. You can see and set the basic Wi-Fi details like SSID channel and encryption. You can refer man page of iwconfig to know more.# iwconfig [interface]
12. HOSTNAME Command
hostname is to identify in a network. Execute hostname command to see the hostname of your box. You can set hostname permanently in /etc/sysconfig/network. Need to reboot box once set a proper hostname.# hostname
13. GUI tool system-config-network
Type system-config-network in command prompt to configure network setting and you will get nice Graphical User Interface (GUI) which may also use to configure IP Address, Gateway, DNS etc. as shown below image.# system-config-network WABIL KHUSUS BUAT UBUNTU
You can configure a network interface from the command line. You can configure your network client hosts with the command line by using commands to change your current settings or by editing a number of system files. This has several advantages over network managers in the GUI.This guide had been developed for Ubuntu and Debian, other distributions can use a similar setup, but be aware that file locations may differ.
An editor. This guide will use vi, but you can replace it with any other editor of your liking, gedit, nano, gvim, pico, emacs..Have a working internet connection during the installation. We need to install packages and those are fetched from the online repositories.
Backup any files we touch. Just easier to recover when you have a backup.
Read this guide in full before actually configuring your network.
Setting/changing the hostname
The hostname command allows you to directly query, or set, the hostname from the command line.You can see your current hostname by running hostname. To set the hostname directly you can run hostname newname as root. If you do this however, make sure you change the /etc/hosts file first. This is needed because otherwise you will need to boot into single user mode and change your hostname in /etc/hosts. This is because sudo requires DNS lookups in certain cases and it cannot resolve your newly set hostname.. To circumvent this you need to add the new name to the hosts file prior to setting the hostname and remove it once that action has succeeded.
sudo vi /etc/hosts ubuntu newnameSet the hostname to newname.
sudo hostname newname # or echo newname | sudo tee /etc/hostnameNow you can remove the old hostname
sudo vi /etc/hosts newnameWhen your system boots it will automatically read the hostname from the file /etc/hostname. You can add hostname and IP addresses to the file /etc/hosts for static lookups.
Finding your network interface
When setting up your network you will need to know the network interface cards on your computer. The interface name of cards for different vendors may be different, which is why this step is /sys/class/net # or ip addrThis will list the interface names for all NICs on your computer. It will probably include eth0 (hardwired NIC), lo (loopback interface for the localhost), and something for your wireless card (like wifi0, or wlan0).
Disable network managers and/or wicd
Configuring your network via the CLI will likely interfere with Network Manager or wicd. To counter this, disable the startup script of either application or completely remove the packages. Be aware that the rest of this guide will require packages which need to be installed from the online repositories.## Network manager # Stop the current process sudo /etc/init.d/NetworkManager stop # Start: sudo /etc/init.d/NetworkManager start # The inofficial way: sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/NetworkManager # Reverse: sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/NetworkManager # The official way: sudo update-rc.d -f NetworkManager remove # Reverse: sudo update-rc.d -f NetworkManager defaults 50 # Or remove the network manager package. sudo aptitude purge network-manager # Reverse: sudo aptitude install network-manager ## wicd # Stop the current process sudo /etc/init.d/wicd stop # Start: sudo /etc/init.d/wicd start # The inofficial way: sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/wicd # Reverse: sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/wicd # The official way: sudo update-rc.d -f wicd remove # Reverse: sudo update-rc.d -f wicd defaults 20 # Or remove the wicd package. sudo aptitude purge network-manager # Reverse: sudo aptitude install network-managerNote: At some point Ubuntu started using upstart instead of the /sbin/init/ daemon. Thus if the first command above does not stop Network Manager, try this.
sudo stop network-manager
Configuring an interface
will use eth0 in this example, your interface can be named
differently, see Finding your
network interface.
If you have
disabled the either wicd or the network manager you probably don't
have a network connection anymore. Connect via a regular UTP cable
to your router, and assuming you have DHCP enabled do the
sudo ip link set dev eth0 down sudo dhclient eth0This will bring your eth0 up by using DHCP. Your network is now configured (for the time being).
If you don't have DHCP enabled configure your network by issueing the commands below, the gateway address is the IP address of your router. And your IP should be in the same range as the router is.
sudo ip addr add dev eth0 sudo ip link set dev eth0 up sudo ip route add default via commands configure your interface but these changes will not survive a reboot, since the information is not stored anyhwere. This is where the interfaces file comes in handy. To configure a interface permanently you'll need to edit the interfaces file, /etc/network/interfaces.
sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces ## To configure a dynamic IP address auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp ## Or configure a static IP auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address gateway netmask network broadcast these settings to take effect you need to restart your networking services.
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
Setting up a second IP address or Virtual IP address
If you need to set up a second ip address you need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces.sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces auto eth0:1 iface eth0:1 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway these new settings to take effect you need to restart networking services using the following command
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
Howto set MTU for a connection
You can set the MTU for an interface, you could do this by using the mtu keyword in the interface file or by using the ip link command.iface eth0 inet dhcp # via mtu keyword mtu 1492 # Via ip link command pre-up /sbin/ip link set $IFACE mtu 1492The above example sets the MTU for device eth0 to 1492, the usual MTU for a PPPoE ISP connection. This however is only needed if connections seem to hang otherwise (with the default of 1500).
This tip was found on
Setting up DNS
To cause your machine to consult with a particular server for name lookups you simply add their addresses to /etc/resolv.conf.For example a machine which should perform lookups from the DNS server at IP address would have a resolv.conf file looking like this
sudo vi /etc/resolv.confenter the following details
search domain nameserver
We will not use un-encrypted wireless connections, but will make use of WEP/WPA/WPA2. Deviations from security/encryption method is an exercise left for the user. We also assume the network SSID is being broadcast.Enabling wireless networking on your PC is pretty straight forward. If your network card is supported out of the box, then there are very little issues. If your card is not supported out of the box, you may need to use ndiswrapper, which will require the Windows drivers fo your card.
* Install a Windows driver with ndiswrapper for Dapper or ndiswrapper for 8.04 and up# Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper) and earlier sudo aptitude install ndiswrapper-utils # Ubuntu 8.04 and up (Hardy/Intrepid/Jaunty/Karmic) sudo aptitude install ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 # All versions sudo ndiswrapper -i /path/to/windows/driver.inf sudo ndiswrapper -m
ndiswrapper --help man ndiswrapper
Configure your wireless interface
In the examples I will use wlan0 as your wireless card, this could be different on your machine! I will do the examples with a dynamic IP address (DHCP), the same principles applies to staticly configured IP's.Open the interfaces file
sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp pre-up /etc/init.d/ start post-down /etc/init.d/ stopThe pre-up command is run before the interface goes up. The post-down command is run after the interface goes down. There are also post-up and pre-down commands. E.g. You could use post-up to mount disks after an interface goes up. In this case we start wpa_supplicant before we enable the interface and we stop wpa_supplicant after we bring the interface down.
WPA supplicant
sudo aptitude install wpasupplicant
Creating the password
You probably have given your wireless network a name (the ESSID or SSID), in this example we will use ubuntuwifi for our wireless network, our password will be OpenSesame. The SSID and password needs to be configured on your wireless router, how to do that is up to the reader. If you have problems coming up with a password, please have a look here.If you are using WEP encryption (which is not advised) you may skip this step.
$ wpa_passphrase ubuntuwifi OpenSesame network={ ssid="ubuntuwifi" #psk="OpenSesame" psk=24f87a7583001eb7cea2394bbdb04eb2d3641f0b907dd31bd286be628c1841f8 }
Adding your network
Open the /etc/wpa_supplicant file and define your network.sudo vi /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf # # Please see /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf.gz # for more complete configuration parameters. # ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant ctrl_interface_group=0 eapol_version=2 ap_scan=1 fast_reauth=1 country=NL ### Associate with any open access point ### Scans/ESSID changes can be done with wpa_cli network={ ssid="" key_mgmt=NONE priority=1 } # WEP network={ ssid="ubuntuwifi" scan_ssid=1 key_mgmt=NONE wep_key0="OpenSesame" wep_key1="OpenOtherSesame" # Use the correct key.. wep_tx_keyidx=0 priority=5 } # WPA/WPA2 network={ ssid="ubuntuwifi" scan_ssid=1 psk=24f87a7583001eb7cea2394bbdb04eb2d3641f0b907dd31bd286be628c1841f8 priority=5 ## The configuration items listed below do not need to be set, the defaults are ## pretty 'let us do it for you'. ## See /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf.gz for more information. # key_mgmt=WPA-PSK # proto=WPA RSN # pairwise=CCMP TKIP # group=CCMP TKIP }Please beware, if you use WPA, remove the WEP section and vice versa.
The priority in this file determines to which network you will connect if more then 2 configured networks are available. This will always be the network with the highest priority.
WPA start script
Create the WPA startup script /etc/init.d/wpa.shsudo vi /etc/init.d/ #!/bin/bash ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: wpa # Required-Start: $network $syslog $local_fs # Required-Stop: $network $syslog $local_fs # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Short-Description: Start/stop script for wpa supplicant # Description: Custom start/stop script for wpa_supplicant. ### END INIT INFO SELF=`basename $0` WPA=wpa_supplicant PROGRAM=/sbin/${WPA} CONF=/etc/${WPA}.conf INTERFACE=wlan0 DRIVER=wext DAEMONMODE="-B" LOGFILE=/var/log/$WPA.log function start() { # TODO: Support multiple interfaces and drivers OPTIONS="-c $CONF -i $INTERFACE -D $DRIVER $DAEMONMODE" ## You can remove this if you are running 8.10 and up. # Ubuntu 8.10 and up doesn't need the -w anymore.. # And the logfile option is not valid on 8.04 and lower local ver=$(lsb_release -sr | sed -e 's/\.//g'); [ $ver -lt 810 ] && OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -w" && LOGFILE="" ## # Log to a file [ -n "$LOGFILE" ] && OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -f $LOGFILE" echo " * Starting wpa supplicant" eval $PROGRAM $OPTIONS } function stop() { echo " * Stopping wpa supplicant" wpa_cli -i $INTERFACE terminate #pkill $PROGRAM ## alternative method } function debug() { stop DAEMONMODE="-ddd" start } function restart() { stop start } function status() { pgrep -lf $PROGRAM } function usage() { echo "Usage: $SELF <start|stop|status|debug>" return 2 } case $1 in start|stop|debug|restart|status) $1 ;; *) usage ;; esacMake the start script executable.
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/wpa.shYou can now start WPA supplicant as a service or in debugging mode:
# Service /etc/init.d/ start # Debugging /etc/init.d/ debugMake sure the script gets run on boot and stopped at shutdown
sudo update-rc.d defaultsWith wpa_cli you can make changes to your wpa_supplicant config file and reload these changes:
sudo wpa_cliEnter help to see what you can do with wpa_cli. Some of the options are: reconfigure, disconnect, reconnect, reassociate. These options speak for themself.
For more information about wpa_supplicant, please have a look at their respective manpages:
man wpa_supplicant man wpa_supplicant.conf man wpa_cli man wpa_gui # Only when you have installed the wpagui package gzip -dc /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf.gz | lessNow that you have setup everything, you can try to connect to your network by restarting networking
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restartYou could also reboot your machine if you prefer that.
Configure laptops for multiple locations
When you have a laptop you don't want to configure it to only be able to have a internet connection at only one location. You probably go to work and use a wired connection, you goto to coffeeshop and use the wifi hotspot overthere and at home you have another network configuration. That is exactly what we are going to configure now.Guessnet, ifplugd and wpa_supplicant
Install guessnet and ifplugdsudo aptitude install guessnet ifplugdConfigure ifplugd. Define which interfaces need to be hotplug and adjust the arguments. You should remove the -q.
sudo vi /etc/default/ifplugd # Just an example INTERFACES="eth0 wlan0" #ARGS="-q -f -u0 -d10 -w -I" ARGS="-f -u0 -d10 -w -I" # Override ARGS for a particular interface # This is for an Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02) ARGS_wlan0="-F -u0 -d10 -w -I" SUSPEND_ACTION=stopSome cards do not really play well with the defaults of Ubuntu, adjust where needed.
- More information for ifplugd
man ifplugd man ifplugd.confYou will need the script mentioned earlier in this guide and you will need to make sure it will be started and stopped:
# Start wpa_supplicant at boot sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/ /etc/rc2.d/S19wpa sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/ /etc/rc3.d/S19wpa # Kill wpa_supplicant at shutdown sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/ /etc/rc5.d/K21wpa sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/ /etc/rc6.d/K21wpa
Map your physical interfaces to logical interfaces
First, we are going to make a mapping for eth0 and wlan0 and said which mapped interface could be used for each physical interface:mapping eth0 # Tell ifupdown to use guessnet to determine which network we can use script guessnet-ifupdown # Default location map default: missing-cable # How verbose we are map verbose: false map debug: false # Our different networks, order decides which network is picked # if two or more networks are available at the same time. map officelan homelan aruba missing-cable mapping wlan0 script guessnet-ifupdown map default: missing-cable map verbose: false map debug: false map workwifi homewifi wifi-open missing-cableNormally ifupdown configures the interfaces, but now we've told it to use guessnet to determine the network being used.
Define tests to select networks
As you will see with the officelan, homelan and aruba examples below we will execute tests to see wheter a peer is present based on the MAC address. The simplest solution for this is to check whether your gateway is present. You can find out the MAC address of your gateway by running the ip neigh command. You need to be connected with your network for this.$ ip neigh dev eth0 lladdr 00:24:17:47:xx:xxThis my default gateway, has IP address and 00:24:17:47:xx:xx as a MAC address. This gives us the needed information to define the test.
test peer address mac 00:24:17:47:xx:xx source don't need to specify the source IP address, but in certain cases this is required. I always add it so I don't have to worry about it in case I do need it.
So let's define our fixed networks using the peer tests:
# Work # Obfuscated some details about my work enviroment iface officelan inet static # Test to see if our gateway is present with MAC address 00:00:xx:xx:xx:xx # from source address 194.134.x.x test peer address 194.134.x.x mac 00:00:xx:xx:xx:xx source 194.134.x.x address 194.134.x.x netmask gateway 194.134.x.x # Set our DNS, this is used by the resolvconf package dns-domain dns-search dns-nameservers # (post|pre)-(up|down) actions, which are optional # Mount samba shares at work after we brought the interface up post-up /home/my_user/bin/mount_smb start # And disable to mounts before we shut the interface down pre-down /home/my_user/bin/mount_smb stop # Which interface has preference, eth0 or wlan0, this is needed if you # are connected via both interfaces. metric 1 # One happy island (very nice weather ;)) iface aruba inet dhcp test peer address mac 00:08:5C:89:xx:xx source dns-domain dns-search # Home iface homelan inet static test peer address mac 00:24:17:47:xx:xx source address netmask gateway dns-domain dns-search dns-nameservers # At home, wireless has precedence over our fixed network metric 2For wireless networks you can also use the peer test, but there is a simpler way to see if you can connect to a wireless network. Test to see if the ESSID is present:
test wireless essid ubuntuwifi # In case of spaces in the ESSID test wireless essid "ubuntu wifi"
- Spaces in the ESSID
- In older versions of guessnet you didn't need to use quotes around the ESSID, but later versions do require it.
# Wifi at work iface workwifi inet dhcp # Use this if we can find Online Wireless network test wireless essid "Online Wireless" dns-domain dns-search dns-nameservers # This interface has a lesser precedence over eth0 metric 2 # Wifi at home iface homewifi inet static test wireless essid ubuntuwifi address netmask gateway dns-domain dns-search dns-nameservers # This interface is used in case we are both connected via wifi and # wired LAN metric 1 # Connect to any open network iface wifi-open inet dhcp # Any ESSID is valid wireless-essid any # Is the wireless work open? Yes, then use this mapping test wireless open # Set the DNS dns-domain dns-search dns-nameservers see what kind of other test you can run to determine which network you are in, please have a look at the manpage of guessnet.
man guessnet
Use of metrics
Some of you might have noticed a metric statement for some of the interfaces. I do this because when you are connected via both wireless and wired networks, some things may go "bad" with the routing table. When you define a metric for these two interfaces you will tell the routing table which interface has preference over the other. The lowest metric has priority over the higher metric.Or as I explained in a ubuntuforum post: The problem is that without the metric you will have 2 interfaces used for the same destinations. It will use either interface, which causes problems with the routing table.
By setting a metric you can avoid this, since the higher metric is more "expensive" to use. So the OS will use the interfaces with the lowest metric if it needs to route traffic. In case the lower metric interface is shutdown it will use the higher metric interface since it is the only interface which can be used to route traffic towards that particular network/destination.
See also
The problem could also be solved by adding static routes, but that is used mostly to make sure specific networks/hosts are routed via a different interface then the default. You then force only those hosts to use link B even though normally the OS would use link A.
When we put all the configuration segments together you will get a interfaces file which looks like thisauto lo iface lo inet loopback address netmask mapping eth0 script guessnet-ifupdown map default: missing-cable map verbose: false map debug: false map officelan homelan aruba missing-cable mapping wlan0 script guessnet-ifupdown map default: missing-cable map verbose: false map debug: false map workwifi homewifi wifi-open missing-cable # Work iface officelan inet static test peer address 194.134.x.x mac 00:00:xx:xx:xx:xx source 194.134.x.x address 194.134.x.x netmask gateway 194.134.x.x dns-domain dns-search dns-nameservers post-up /home/my_user/bin/mount_smb start pre-down /home/my_user/bin/mount_smb stop metric 1 # One happy island (very nice weather ;)) iface aruba inet dhcp test peer address mac 00:08:5C:89:xx:xx source dns-domain dns-search # Home iface homelan inet static test peer address mac 00:24:17:47:xx:xx source address netmask gateway dns-domain dns-search dns-nameservers metric 2 # Wifi at work iface workwifi inet dhcp # Use this if we can find Online Wireless network test wireless essid "Online Wireless" dns-domain dns-search dns-nameservers # This interface has a lesser precedence over eth0 metric 2 # Wifi at home iface homewifi inet static test wireless essid ubuntuwifi address netmask gateway dns-domain dns-search dns-nameservers # This interface is used in case we are both connected via wifi and # wired LAN metric 1 # Connect to any open network iface wifi-open inet dhcp # Any ESSID is valid wireless-essid any # Is the wireless work open? Yes, then use this mapping test wireless open # Set the DNS dns-domain dns-search dns-nameservers can now test if it all works like intended.
/etc/init.d/networking stop /etc/init.d/ stop /etc/init.d/ifplugd stopIf you enter ip addr you will only see the lo interface being active.
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state DOWN qlen 1000And start all the required daemons:
/etc/init.d/ifplugd start /etc/init.d/ start /etc/init.d/networking startAnd now you will see your interfaces configured properly
$ ip a 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000Done.
Bonus script
This script will be a stop/start script for your complete network, which can be used when you want to enable networking after you have suspended your laptop or for other reasonsINT="eth0 wlan0" stop() { /etc/init.d/networking stop /etc/init.d/ stop /etc/init.d/ifplugd stop for i in $INT ; do ip link set dev "$i" down &>/dev/null done } start() { /etc/init.d/ifplugd start /etc/init.d/ start /etc/init.d/networking start } restart() { stop sleep 5 start } $1
See also
Kenapa IP Address Localhost itu Apa Maksudnya?
Hallo coder, kamu mungkin pernah mendengar
Atau mungkin Kamu juga mengetahui bahwa itu menunjuk
localhost. Tapi, mengapa yaa ipAddress localhost
itu menggunakan nomor Mengapa bukan sesuatu yang lain?
Apakah pembaca CodePolitan ada yang sudah mengetahui alasannya? Sebelum menjawab pertanyaan di atas penulis akan memberitahumu bagaimana ip address tersebut bekerja. Ip address digunakan untuk membentuk koneksi dalam komputer yang sama yang digunakan oleh end-user.
Tetapi, kenapa ip localhost dimulai dengan angka 127? Jawabannya adalah karena 127 merupakan nomor jaringan terakhir yang berada pada jaringan kelas A. Jaringan kelas A tersebut memiliki subnet mask yaitu Jadi address yang pertama di subnet adalah
Bagaimanapun, jika kamu menggunakan nomor manapun dalam porsi host, hal tersebut tetap berkerja dengan baik dan kembali pada Jadi kamu bisa saja ping jika kamu suka.
Kamu mungkin akan bertanya kenapa nomor jaringan terakhir 127 ini dipilih dalam penggunaan ip localhost? Pertama kali 127 disebut sebagai loopback dijelaskan pada November 1986 RFC 990 dan pada tahun 1981, 0 dan 127 merupakan nomor yang tertera pada jaringan kelas A.
Apakah pembaca CodePolitan ada yang sudah mengetahui alasannya? Sebelum menjawab pertanyaan di atas penulis akan memberitahumu bagaimana ip address tersebut bekerja. Ip address digunakan untuk membentuk koneksi dalam komputer yang sama yang digunakan oleh end-user.
Bagaimana bekerja? mengapa menggunakan
Sering kali developer menggunakan untuk mengetes aplikasi yang mereka buat. Ketika kamu mencoba untuk membentuk sebuah jaringan koneksi ke loopback address, itu bekerja dengan cara yang sama seperti koneksi dengan device apapun secara jarak jauh. Namun, koneksi tersebut tidak menggunakan koneksi ke local hardware network interface seperti hardware wireless.Tetapi, kenapa ip localhost dimulai dengan angka 127? Jawabannya adalah karena 127 merupakan nomor jaringan terakhir yang berada pada jaringan kelas A. Jaringan kelas A tersebut memiliki subnet mask yaitu Jadi address yang pertama di subnet adalah
Bagaimanapun, jika kamu menggunakan nomor manapun dalam porsi host, hal tersebut tetap berkerja dengan baik dan kembali pada Jadi kamu bisa saja ping jika kamu suka.
Kamu mungkin akan bertanya kenapa nomor jaringan terakhir 127 ini dipilih dalam penggunaan ip localhost? Pertama kali 127 disebut sebagai loopback dijelaskan pada November 1986 RFC 990 dan pada tahun 1981, 0 dan 127 merupakan nomor yang tertera pada jaringan kelas A.
The class A network number 127 is assigned the “loopback” function, that is, a datagram sent by a higher level protocol to a network 127 address should loop back inside the host. No datagram “sent” to a network 127 address should ever appear on any network anywhere.Angka 0 sudah digunakan sebagai penunjuk spesifik host, angka 127 di sisakan untuk loopback. Beberapa mungkin akan menyebutkan akan lebih masuk akal jika yang dipilih adalah untuk loopback, namun sayangnya angka tersebut sudah digunakan untuk BBC Packet Radio Network.
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